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Final Portfolio

Posted: May 23, 2013 in Uncategorized


This is my final portfolio for Digital Art and Design 4.


This is my third day progress. I didn’t end up doing Ashe or Orianna, but rather Vayne


Final Project – Day one

Posted: May 8, 2013 in Uncategorized

Day-onefinal prev-madefinal


On the first day I collected the past vector drawings I previously did, and plan on adding to. I also started on the first new one, Caitlyn. She has a lot of little details, so she might be a bit harder than the past ones.

Final Project – Day two

Posted: May 8, 2013 in Uncategorized


Caitlyn is finished and Ashe will be started on day two. I will have one day to finish 2 characters, which this one took longer than expected. Hopefully I will be able to finish in time.

Final Project – Idea

Posted: May 7, 2013 in Uncategorized

For my final project I plan on using the pen tool to recreate video game characters in a minimalist, vector-like, design. After I recreate the different characters I will put them together in a collage with a background done in a similar manner. I plan on recreating characters from the game League of Legends.

The characters, or Champions, I plan on recreating are:

  • Sona
  • Soraka
  • Lulu
  • Kayle
  • Caitlyn
  • Ashe
  • Orianna and The Ball

I will have 3 days to finish this project, and will be using Adobe Illustrator to do the pen tool drawings. After I draw the champions in Illustrator I will put them in Adobe Photoshop for some extra editing.

Website Design – Logo

Posted: May 3, 2013 in Uncategorized



This is my site logo. My site is a page featuring my artwork, so it includes my name. It also has a medieval theme to it, so it has a dragon shield on the background.

Website Design – Pages

Posted: May 3, 2013 in Uncategorized

These are my pages for my website. My website is an online gallery, or portfolio, for my artwork.

This is our whiteboard animation storyboard. I am in a group with Tara and Savannah. Our animation will be about how to make mac and cheese.



This is my navigation map for my website. My homepage will link to all the pages; Artwork, Updates, About Me, Contact. Each of the pages will have buttons to get to each page as well.

Whiteboard Animation Final

Posted: April 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


This is our final whiteboard animation. We had to crate an informational video on how to do something. We chose to make a video about how to make mac and cheese.